Ants in Cavity
Most ants nests start outside but the nest can expand under a wall of a house. Sometimes it can go unnoticed as the ants forage for food outside. The problems start when the nest starts to produce flying ants. The flying ants have one objective and that’s to fly in to the air to breed. The structure of a house provides a way the ants can try to get to as elevated position as possible. Often they erupt inside causing a huge issue for the homeowner.
We can easy treat such nests by treating in the cavity the ants are using by the use of either liquid insecticides or dust insecticides if there’s risk of electrics or damaging furnishings.
Sometimes the wall will need to be drilled to get the insecticide in to the nest.
Phone for details or see here for more on ant control.
0800 206 1905 / 0151 240 2707 / 07773909165
MerseyPest Pest Control Liverpool