A pub in Liverpool called us out to deal with clouds of fruit flies. As with most fly species the success of a treatment depends on eliminating the breeding site of the fly.
In this case the fruit fly are enjoying the build up of drips that are rolling down the beer lines and forming sticky pools in and around the lines. The staff of the pub clean it often but can’t quite get in to all the areas.
We can easily get in with the steam cleaner to blast the gunk out. It is entirely spick and span when we’ve finished. We then treat it with insecticide just for good measure.
A final part of the treatment is to use a fumigant to knock down all the adult flies that are infesting the pub.
If you need your pub/business/house treating for flies phone us for details.
MerseyPest 0800 206 1905 / 0151 230 2707 / 07773909165