A customer sent a few photos of a fly which has been making its presence known in his dining room.
Identification of fly species is critical in fly treatments to know how to go about treatment. For example drain flies require sewer lids lifting and jetting whereas cluster flies require the roof space fumigating with a fog. In this particular case the fly is a bluebottle.
Bluebottle larva feed on dead animal material. The treatment for bluebottles is to remove the breeding site of the flies which involves looking for the dead animal (if possible). This will involve taking the dog in to use his nose to find the offending object. Floorboards can sometimes be lifted to get them out.
If access can’t be gained a strong residual insecticide can be applied to stop the flies being so visible in the house.
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Pest Control Liverpool
0800 206 1905 / 0151 230 2707 / 07773909165